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Observations on the Clinton Incumbency
- Gore characterizes Clinton's record of rape and serial infidelity as "mistakes." Just what you'd expect from someone who couldn't resist illegal campaign contributions.
- Through the liberal looking-glass with Clinton: Washington knows best, so it's going to tax us in order to send us cops and teachers we could have paid for through local taxes if we had needed them.
- A textbookexample of hypocrisy: having callously bombed Serbian civilians, the Clinton administration deplores Russia's bombing of Chechnyan civilians.
- Gore calls Bradley a big spender. Next thing you know, Clinton will be calling Trump a womanizer.
- Note to BJ Clinton: Isn't it a conflict of interest to obtain a mortgage from a federally regulated bank?
- Clinton, Kennedy and their ilk oppose the Republican tax-cut plan because it would "favor" the people who are taxed the most heavily. Get over it, guys, it's not your damned money. Keep your hands out of my pocket, even if you can't keep your hands off women who aren't your wives.
- The Arkansas fellow-traveler and defiler of women just exudes "chutzpah" when he excoriates the evil Slobo. Takes one to know one?
- If the chief law-enforcement officer of the United States won't admit that he is the chief law enforcement officer why should we admit that he is President?
- Marx was right about one thing when he said that history repeated is farce. The trial of Andrew Johnson was history; the trial of Bill Clinton was a farce. Never has so many Senators looks facts in the eye and blinked.
- If there's a God, She must be laughing her head off at the thought of Bill Clinton as a protector of women's rights -- as he was portrayed by defense counsel Cheryl Mills. But Juanita Broaddrick wasn't laughing.
- Your civil liberties are safe while Bubba's in the White House -- or so said one of his defense lawyers. Just hope your civil liberties don't hinge on Clinton's version of the truth.
- It wasn't the sex, it was the stupidity.
- Evidently the "women's movement" has the President of its desires.
- In l'affaire Lewinsky, never were so many lies been deployed in the defense of the indefensible.
- Clinton's ultimate line of defense (if it had been necessary): I was just exercising my right to pursue happiness. Isn't that what the Revolution was about?
- The vehemence with which welfare-state "liberals" supported Clinton shows how desparate they are to preserve big government, and the moral price they're willing to pay for it.
- Having survived the impeachment trial, Clinton should have pardoned everyone convicted of perjury or obstruction of justice. Fair's fair.
- Clinton and his defenders wanted us to forget his crimes and focus on the "real problems" of education, health care, Social Security, etc. Why would they settle for the mere subversion of justice when there's so much else to subvert?
- Kindred professions: priest of the occult, courtier to a "divine" king, and zealous defender of a demonstrably corrupt President.
- Now I get it: Clinton didn't commit perjury and obstruct justice, he merely used his office to establish new legal defenses for suspects in criminal cases: "Miranda 1999" if you will.
- And another thing: Clinton's high job-approval ratings must refer to the job he did of evading justice.
- Did we need to see the videotape of Clinton's performance before the grand jury? Yes, for yet another look at how easily the man lies and shifts blame. What a sociopathic performance. If he hadn't become a serial liar and adulterer he might well have become a serial killer -- an uncaught one, at that.
- The laundry lobby should have given Clinton a special award for having aired the dirtiest presidential linen. The cigar lobby was right to let the affair pass without further ado.
- The "people" steadfastly gave Clinton high marks for job performance and didn't want his resignation or removal from office. So much for the image of Americans as logical, literate, and lawful. (We knew what to expect, of course, from foreign "sophisticates" who viewed the Lewinsky matter through the prism of sex; they're the same bunch who thought Nixon was unfairly railroaded out of Washington.)
- Clinton's defenders noted that FDR (maybe), JFK, and LBJ had sexual liaisons while in office and weren't hounded by the press for their sexual behavior. Of course, FDR, JFK, and LBJ didn't lie under oath or obstruct justice as defendants in legal proceedings or subjects of criminal investigations. When it comes to provable crimes, Clinton is to FDR, JFK, and LBJ as John Gotti is to the Fonz.
- Perhaps the Clinton Administration will propose new sentencing guidelines:
- Misdemeanor -- Say "sorry" 10 times and fake a good act of contrition.
- Felony -- Say "sorry" 20 times, fake a good act of contrition, and make a campaign contribution to the Democratic party.
- Impeachable offense -- Say "sorry" 100 times, fake a good act of contrition every time the TV cameras are on, and use the campaign contribution to pay your legal bills.
- Clinton kept saying "sorry." He's "sorry" all right -- a sorry specimen of mankind. Yeah, he's sorry: sorry that he got caught, sorry that he ran up huge legal bills, and sorry that Hillary has shut off his supply of interns.
- Clinton's salami strategy:
- First he said "I didn't do it."
- Then he said "Okay, I lied, but only to protect my family and save myself from embarrassment, and I didn't do anything illegal."
- The he said "Well, it doesn't matter that I did anything illegal because it was about my private life and not about my conduct as President."
- Then his supporters and defenders said for him "You aren't going to use that oath to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed" against me are you?"
- If push had come to shove he would have said "Hey, if you remove me from office you'll be stuck with Al Gore, and I can tell you a thing or two about his campaign-finance activities."
- And if that had failed: "Pardon me, Al...I wouldn't have to step on your feet if they'd given us a bigger cell."
- In the midst of it all, Hillary let it be known that she is "committed" to her marriage, as is Bill. Of course; a divorce would have meant that each of them could be compelled to testify against the other one. Now that it's over, keep your cell phone handy, Monica.
- Bill "George Washington" Clinton's physical and psychological similarities to our first President:
- from a southern State
- height about 6' 2-1/2"
- weight about 225 pounds
- broad butt (George's from straddling horses, Bill's from straddling fences)
- prominent nose (George's like an eagle's, Bill's like Pinocchio's)
- first in the hearts of his country(wo)men
- cannot (not) not tell a lie.
- The Clintons adopted the O.J. line: "They're picking on me because I'm [fill in the blank]." O.J. said it was because he was black. The Clintons said it was because they're Democrats from Arkansas. But that's not true. It's because they're lawyers who happen to be Democrats from Arkansas. After all, it was lawyers who got O.J. off the hook for murder, and someone has to pay for it.
- The Bible says "the truth shall set you free," to which Clinton would add "but not if you're in my shoes."
- Clinton successfully impeded a criminal investigation of his personal conduct by asserting bogus privileges related to his public office. Didn't the Founders reject a monarchical presidency?
- Clinton morality: Extra-marital sex is okay -- and it's okay to lie about it under oath -- just don't smoke a cigarette after the act. Well, it's okay if you don't inhale.
- If a man is known by the company he keeps, what do we make of Clinton's company: bimbos, Chinese murderers, Hollywood liberals, and lawyers who can't be compelled to testify against him? The man is a walking advertisement for the corruption of power. Luckily, he doesn't hold absolute power.
- When Clinton took his oath of office, did he cross his fingers when he came to the part about faithfully executing the laws? Check the video tape.
- What will Clinton do after he leaves the Presidency? Tougher question: What will all those reporters, pundits, and lawyers do when Clinton leaves the Presidency.?
- Nixon gave us crooks, lies, and audio tape. Clinton gives us sex, lies, and video tape. Not much progess in 25 years.
- Do the Amerian people have the President they deserve? That's what the polls kept telling us.
- Criminal and constitutional justice by public opinion is like music by monkeys.
- Q. How many lawyers would it take to remove a President from office? A. Only two -- Bill and Hillary -- all the others are just collecting fees for talking about it on television.
- What did the producers of "Wag the Dog" know, and when did they know it?
- Does POTUS (President of the United States) + FLOTUS (First Lady of the United States) = PFLOTUS (Principal Felons and Liars of the United States)?
- That Clinton's approval ratings rose and remained high in the aftermath of l'affaire Lewinsky validates the Framers' desire to thwart tyranny by the majority.
- In swearing that he would "faithfully execute the Office of President," Clinton obliged himself to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed" -- not excepting the laws against sexual harassment in the workplace, perjury, subornation of perjury, and obstruction of justice. Even lacking evidence of indictable violations of those laws, there is ample evidence of indifference to them, and that alone should have been grounds for removing Clinton from office.